Join Tygtal Exposure & Sports Consulting for the 4th Annual Ultimate Exposure Tour, this is a one-of-a-kind tour designed to gain maximum exposure for student-athletes. The tour consist of 5 days traveling to 8 Colleges and placing athletes in front of over 200 coaches. Athletes will have the opportunity to be evaluated and impress college coaches. At each camp, we attend there will be more than just that Universities coaches present. Colleges are known to welcome guest coaches at their camps, so many times you will see other Division 1, Divison 2, Divison 3, and NAIA coaches at the camps coaching and evaluating talent.
There is not another tour like it!
Having developed this tour out of necessity. It’s sole purpose, is to bring exposure to athletes that would not otherwise gain recognition in some of the traditional camps and combines. Over the years, we have seen athletes attend camps such as Nike, Under-Armour, Adidas, and many others. We’ve noticed these camps run by former NFL players, Current NFL players, and local coaches, with no real ability to place athletes performances in front of college coaches.
We’ve also heard several complaints that participants are handpicked, or the BIG name players are being showcased by writers and coaches at the start of the event. Many times athletes and parents feel they’ve given their money away and received no real benefit from the event, and that’s what makes us different.
Our company is an NCAA Compliant Scouting service; listed in every college or university database as an official scouting service for the NCAA. Meaning when we contact a university, our information can be retrieved on our players instantly, and they are aware who will be on the tour with us.
Now when we attend the camps on the tour, they are already one step ahead of everyone else. Not only are we in the NCAA database but due to our track record, many coaches are familiar with our services and seriously evaluate our guys. Our tour is geared to gain maximum exposure for the student-athlete, looking to earn a College Scholarship.
I ask you what better way to gain exposure than to take you directly to the college programs and strategically place you in front of college coaches, and BE EVALUATED on the spot.
You are given a fair chance to impress college coaches, and Tygtal Exposure gives you that opportunity that you’ve always wanted.
I bet you’re wondering how much is the tour and what do I get?
The cost of the tour is $1,050.00
We will travel via luxury Charter Bus to each destination on the tour. Each night we will stay at the luxurious Embassy Suites Hotel, this is a 5 Star hotel. We will be providing Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.
Each athlete will compete in a total of 4 Camps (Over $300.00) for the five day journey, they will also receive over $500 in Under Armour gear.
Each participant will receive a factual Tygtal Exposure Profile, which will be given to coaches before we arrive at the camps.
We will also have a little fun, each athlete will have the chance to compete for bragging rights and be named Champion of our 1st Annual NFL Madden Tournament, the winner of the tournament will WIN!! A Playstation 4. Don’t wait until the last minute, reserve your seat today.
#GetonDbus @tygtalexpocons #ultimateexposure