There’s a lot to be said for the recruiting process. But, it’s awesome to see young men get it right and feel good about their commitment. Even, if they have to de-commit from one school and commit to another. In the end it’s about feeling you got it right for yourself.
That is exactly what happen in the case of Bradley Dewberry, Eagles Landing High School Sr. and a future Eastern Illinois Panther. This 6’0 186 QB/S that plays both ways obviously had some options He was committed to Western Carolina University but, changed his mind. And, he did just that last night, (Wednesday January 28). He prayed about it, talked it over with his family, and then made the announcement he’d committed to Eastern Illinois University. I talked to Bradley this morning and needless to say he was well with his decision. “I felt like the campus was where I wanted to be. And, I really liked being with my future teammates and how they kept it 100 with me,” he said. Young man let me say, “Congratulations on making the first of many big life decisions.” Bradley said he didn’t get to this point where he has options in life without some help.
He points out Coach kelvin White and Coach Andre Wise with TygtalConsulting.com had a lot do with his maturation process. He said, “Coach White has always been there for me. He was my coach for awhile and I feel I can call him anytime I want. He is good to bounce things off of.” In addition, he said, “Coach Wise is the one that put me on the map. He sent my film out to everyone and made sure to tell all the colleges coaches about me. I owe him a lot too.” With these type of people in his life, you can see why he had the confidence to de-commit and find the best place for him. He added, “It showed me a lot when I visited Eastern Illinois on my recruiting weekend last Friday, and then they showed up at my house on Monday. The Head Coach, Kim Dameron and my Position Coach, Mike Truxillo came. That meant a lot too.”
So, he thought about it….prayed about it….and then made that decision with his parents Pam and Jerrold Dewberry. They are without a doubt a positive force in this young mans life also. It is also significant to note Western Carolina University was recruiting him at QB first. And, Eastern Illinois University sees him as a Safety first with the chance to participate in some Wildcat Packages at the QB position. After considering everything, the result is what we saw on Facebook Tuesday evening. The result is what you see in this exclusive photo. A Prep Athlete that can be proud of what’s before him. Good luck Bradley. As I said to you earlier. “It’s awesome thing when you get a scholarship offer to pay for school and play for a chance at the next level.” Enjoy it! And, come away with the best film for a Safety–the best film for QB in the Wildcat Package–and a Diploma in hand. Go Panthers!!! Go TygtalConsulting!!